All That Glitters Ain't Always Gold

Jewelry is one of the most important clothing items that we wear to showcase our individual styles. Whether it’s flashy bling or more subtle traditional pieces, jewelry is the icing on top of our fashion choices.

But what if you couldn’t wear jewelry? What if it made your skin itch or turn colors? What if your favorite pieces were tarnished and ruined forever?

If you’re like me, that’s what has happened to you before. I used to spend so much time taking clear nail polish and painting my jewelry to make it not turn my skin green. Or I’d use this tactic to keep my jewelry piece from looking like I got it out of a nickel candy dispenser; even if that was indeed where I got it from. Alas, the polish smelled bad and you could always see the brush strokes, as it was sticky like a toddler with jam hands.

This is why I invented Alchemy Jewelry Spray. 

A hand holds a gold rope chain with gold earrings and rings behind it.

What is Alchemy Jewelry Spray?

Alchemy is a life-enhancing, category-creating product that is as magical as its name implies. Alchemists historically believed that they could turn non-precious metals into gold or silver. And that’s what Alchemy Jewelry Sealer set out to do: to make costume jewelry behave more like fine jewelry. 

But then, you happened. 

People started using Alchemy to treat their fine jewelry, so they didn’t have to clean it as often or because they had developed a sensitivity to the metal. We did a clinical survey of people with self-assessed nickel sensitivity, and 100% of them agreed that Alchemy Jewelry Spray protected their skin from irritation. 

Those are fancy ways of saying your jewelry won’t turn you green or make you itch anymore. And my stars, it’s so simple.

How to Use Alchemy Jewelry Spray

Here’s what I do:

  1. Prep: I lay a paper towel on a paper plate. Is it fancy? Nope. Does it get it done? Absolutely.
  2. Spray: Now I put my jewelry on the covered paper plate, and I start spraying it with Alchemy. It’s important to coat it real well. If you are sensitive, be sure to turn the pieces over so you get both sides. 
  3. Dry: Then let it dry. If you are really sensitive, give it another coat for good measure. Alchemy is water-based and designed to self-level which means when it dries, you can’t see it, feel it or smell it. 
  4. Repeat: Be sure to respray every so often because the protection does wear off due to dirt, sweat, lotion, perfume and just living your life stuff.
A collection of different gemstone and metal jewelry pieces.

Shop for Alchemy Jewelry Spray

And that’s it. That’s all you have to do! Don’t overthink it, just spray with your heart the way you sprinkle spices into your cooking.

Alchemy is available in a kit from JTV as a four-ounce and two-ounce spray bottle which is perfect for keeping one and gifting one! You can also keep Alchemy Jewelry Spray in your home and one in your travel bag.

Alchemy is an inexpensive solution to save your jewelry and protect your skin. If you’ve read this far, then we are in an immediate add-to-cart situation. Go ahead, we’ll be happy to ship you a kit.

Ashley Morrow

Alchemy is made in the US and is owned by JTV Extra Streaming Host, Ashley Morrow. Be sure to check out her show, Curves and Carats, on Monday nights at 9 p.m. EST.

Read more about Ashley on her host page

Ashley Morrow