All That Glitters Ain't Always Gold
Jewelry is one of the most important clothing items that we wear to showcase our individual styles. Whether it’s flashy bling or more subtle traditional pieces, jewelry is the icing on top of our fashion choices.
But what if you couldn’t wear jewelry? What if it made your skin itch or turn colors? What if your favorite pieces were tarnished and ruined forever?
If you’re like me, that’s what has happened to you before. I used to spend so much time taking clear nail polish and painting my jewelry to make it not turn my skin green. Or I’d use this tactic to keep my jewelry piece from looking like I got it out of a nickel candy dispenser; even if that was indeed where I got it from. Alas, the polish smelled bad and you could always see the brush strokes, as it was sticky like a toddler with jam hands.
This is why I invented Alchemy Jewelry Spray.