JTV is proud to support Make-A-Wish as they create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Proud Supporter of Make-A-Wish®

Now through February 12, 2024, JTV will donate 20% of the selling price of the Stars Like You collection to Make-A-Wish

Spark Imagination, Deliver Strength

As the largest wish-granting organization in the country, Make-A-Wish has granted hundreds of thousands of wishes to children battling critical illnesses. Wishes replace a child’s fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Wishes give children renewed energy and strength, bring families closer together and unite communities.

U.S. Residents only. State exclusions apply. We are not able to accept donations from residents of the District of Columbia or Alabama. 100% of all donations will benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. Written information about Make-A-Wish is available by calling 800-722-9474 or by visiting Make-A-Wish’s website at wish.org. Charitable promotion ends February 12, 2024; while supplies last.