What are the October birthstones?

A little fun fact about October: it has a birthstone duo! Opal is the traditional birthstone for the month of October, however, the National Association of Jewelers came to the consensus that the opal gemstone was too feminine. Because it is very popular to wear your birthstone as a cherishable jewelry piece, opal’s durability came into question. Opal sits at a six on the Mohs Hardness Scale while tourmaline scores a seven. Due to these concerns, tourmaline was added to be the modern October birthstone in 2002. Being mistaken for other gemstones, tourmaline comes in a variety of different colors, similarly to the rainbow display of Opal.

A collage of three side-by-side opal rings on a pink, orange and blue gray background.

Opal Birthstone

History, Symbolism and Meaning

October’s birthstone opal is beloved for its eye-catching rainbows and inner colors that dance in every light, leading Ancient Romans to describe it as the most powerful gem. Historically, opals were believed to bring good luck to all who wore or carried them, but changing times and cultural events led many to associate them with bad luck. Though some still hold this belief, many societies of the past and present have considered opal to be a symbol of hope and purity. During the Middle Ages, opals were believed to support good eyesight and prevent hair discoloration. Arabic legends suggested that opals actually contained lightning and rained down from the sky. With their iridescent shine, it’s easy to imagine these stones filled with celestial energy.

In today’s world, opal gemstones are believed to bring balance to your mood and trust within oneself while crystal healers believe the use of opal improves memory, fights infection, and eases the birthing process.

Opal Earrings
Opal Earrings

How do opals form?

October’s opal birthstone forms when water carries silica, a common mineral, into rock cracks and holes. Unlike most gemstones, opals have no crystal structure and are instead composed of silica spheres. The larger the sphere, the wider range of color the stone displays. While most gemstones form in geometric patterns, opals form in a marvelous mosaic pattern of circles and typically contain 3-10% water. Though 95% of opals are produced in Australia and is the national gemstone, these gorgeous gems can be found all over the world including Brazil, Canada, Hungary, Indonesia, Mexico and more.

Opal Birthstone Ring
Opal Birthstone Ring

Opal Colors

Opal’s name comes from the Latin term “opalus,” which means “to see a change in color.” Opal’s wide variety of stunning shades and play of color makes no two opals the same, making it the perfect one-of-a-kind jewelry item.

Precious vs. Common

There are two general types of opals: common and precious. Many recognize October’s birthstone for its play-of-color, a phenomenon that is only present in precious opals. Opals that display a rainbow of shifting colors as they are moved in light have play-of-color, while any opal that doesn’t display this phenomenon is known as a common opal. Though common opals don’t display this effect, they come in a variety of vibrant colors that can add allure to every outfit.

Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian Opal is an example of precious opal that displays a beautiful play of color. While most opals are formed within sedimentary rock, Ethiopian opal forms in volcanic rock and is also hydrophane. This means that Ethiopian opals are water-absorbing which can affect the appearance of the stone ranging from opaque to almost transparent.

Oval Ethiopian Opal 10k Yellow Gold Ring
Oval Ethiopian Opal 10k Yellow Gold Ring

Peruvian Opal

An example of common opal is the Peruvian opal. It doesn’t have the play of color like precious opal, but that doesn’t take away from its soothing beauty. The looks of these calming opals can be easily associated with its metaphysical properties as it is believed by some that Peruvian opals can lower stress, increase tranquility, and aid with sleep. Peruvian opal is usually only found in the Andes Mountains of Peru and is Peru’s national gemstone.

Pink Peruvian Opal Sterling Silver Ring
Pink Peruvian Opal Sterling Silver Ring

Pink Tourmaline Birthstone

History, Symbolism and Meaning

Pairing well with opal, pink tourmaline is the second October birthstone. In the mid to late 1800s, Chinese Empress Tz’u Hsi was so fascinated by pink tourmaline that she established a direct trade line with mines in California. Throughout her reign, she bought almost a ton of tourmaline and was even buried with a carved tourmaline pillow. The trade line ended in 1912 when the Chinese government fell, but more specimens can be found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Kenya, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, the United States and more. 

Pink tourmaline can leave anyone speechless with its appearance, but many also believe this gem holds special powers. Displaying the color of romance, it’s no surprise that crystal healers commonly use pink tourmaline gemstones for self-love and mental and emotional healing.

Pink Tourmaline Earrings
Pink Tourmaline Earrings

Tourmaline Colors

With a color palette of over 100 different hues, the tourmaline gemstones can be easily confused with other gems, perfectly explaining its nickname, the chameleon gem. Although any shade of tourmaline can be represented as October's birthstone, pink tourmaline birthstone color can range from a pastel to a hot pink, exuding romance, love, and compassion.

5 Fun Facts About the October Birthstones

  1. Opal deposits have been found on Mars.
  2. It is believed that opal takes after the virtues of all gemstones whose colors are visible within.
  3. Opal was featured in Shakespearean literature in the Twelfth Night referred to as the ‘Queen of Gems.’
  4. Pink tourmaline has a unique property called piezoelectricity that turns the gem into a magnet when rubbed or heated, attracting light weight materials.
  5. Pink tourmaline that has a deep red hue is known as rubellite and is commonly mistaken as ruby.
Tourmaline Jewelry
Tourmaline Jewelry

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the October birthstones?

The October birthstones are opal and pink tourmaline.

What are the colors of the October birthstones?

Precious opal can exhibit a captivating rainbow all in one stone and while common opal doesn’t display the play of color like precious opal, it is available in every color.

Although tourmaline has a wide range of color, October’s birthstone is pink tourmaline which ranges from a pastel pink to a hot pink.

Is Pink Tourmaline considered an October birthstone?

Yes, pink tourmaline was added to the official month birthstone list in 2002.

Opal Jewelry
Opal Jewelry

October Birthstone Buying Guide

If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind, romantic, or mystical piece of jewelry for an October birthday or simply because you want to grow your collection, JTV’s October birthstone jewelry selection is waiting for you! 


Check out more opal and pink tourmaline jewelry pieces below!
Opal Rings                             Ethiopian Opal
Opal Earrings                      Tourmaline Rings
Opal Bracelets                    Tourmaline Earrings
Opal Necklaces

Wear it With Style: Opal Jewelry

Anna Anderson

Anna's sister was born in October and she couldn't be more jealous that she has opal as a birthstone. Anna believes Opal is one of the most magical gemstones.

Read more about Anna on her author page

Anna Anderson

Chloe Freeman contributed to this article.