A native Knoxvillian and gone for twenty years, Robert was hesitant to return to Knoxville. But now considers it to be the best employment move he ever made. Robert has been at JTV for over twelve years and has over twenty years experience in the jewelry industry.
Robert will tell you that he’s learned more about jewelry and gemstones since arriving at JTV than in all the years before he became a JTV host.
Learn about Robert on YouTube
Get to Know robert
What is your favorite gemstone?
My favorite gemstone is chrome diopside, but I wouldn't say no to a nice zircon.
What is your go-to travel jewelry?
Three items to take on trip…diamond or best Bella stud earrings, classic pair of hoops (silver or gold) and layering necklaces.
What are your go-to gifts from JTV?
Can never go wrong with the JTV gift card. One size fits everyone!
How did you get your start in the jewelry business?
Started in the jewelry business as a Port and Shopping Lecturer on cruise ships for 10 years - saw some great places, met some great people and learned a little about jewelry and learned loads more when I landed at JTV. The learning is always happening here.
What are the most meaningful items in your jewelry collection?
My wedding ring and a watch I purchased many years ago.
What comes to work with you every day?
An iced quad espresso with light half and half and Chapstick - never without my Chapstick.