Dawn Tesh - AJP, CSA, DCA

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Dawn Tesh

Chicago native Dawn Tesh is no stranger to the camera. Dawn put herself through college by modeling across the United States and Europe with various modeling agencies. Dawn also lived in Milan, Italy for two years where her knowledge of the fashion and jewelry industry was fine-tuned. Even though she earned a degree in accounting, this valuable modeling experience and her time spent in the fashion and jewelry industry made her a perfect candidate for a host position.

Dawn joined JTV in 1997 when there were only 40 employees at that time. She was a part of the team that built JTV into the powerhouse it is today. Dawn traveled around the world with our buying teams and has touched almost every element of the JTV business.

Dawn knows many of the employees at JTV and says the friendships she has made, tremendous growth she has experienced and knowledge she’s gained over time are invaluable.


Learn about Dawn on YouTube

Get to Know Dawn

What is your favorite gemstone?

If it's rare and exotic, I probably like it. I especially favor zircon and prasiolite.

What is your go-to travel jewelry?

I always pack hoop earrings, eternity bands, several braceletes to stack and a bead necklace for every trip.

What are your go-to gifts from JTV?

I give all kinds of jewelry as my go-to. We have so many great deals that it’s easy to give so many different items. 

How did you get your start in the jewelry business?

I started loving jewelry when I was living in Milan, Italy as a model. I got to wear some really beautiful and expensive jewelry. Then I had an interview with JTV in 1997 and was hired that day. I thought it would be fun to talk about gemstones and jewelry on TV and here I am 26 years later.

What are the most meaningful items in your jewelry collection?

My pearls and the pieces my son gave me over the years are the most meaningful items in my jewelry collection.