How to Make a Tri-Colore Necklace
Published December 2012
Designed By Katie Hacker / Content Supplied by Beadalon

Stringing, Crimping, Basic wire work
Materials & Tools:
Aqua 25mm oval dyed jade bead
4 aqua 10mm large-hole round glass beads
Gray 8mm faceted round cats eye bead
1-yard lengths of 20-gauge Artistic wire: grape, magenta, blue
34 length of gray faux suede lace
4 silver crimp covers
Silver ball and star head pin
12 silver 6mm thick jump rings
Beadfix glue
Chain-Nose Pliers
Wire Cutters
Jump Ring Maker
Artistic Wire Twister
How To:
1.Use a Wire Twister tool to twist the three Artistic wires together.
2.Use a 12mm mandrel with the Jump Ring Maker to coil the twisted length of wire.
3.Use Wire Nippers to cut the coil into individual rings.
4.Use thick silver jump rings to connect nine twisted jump rings.
5.Use thick silver jump rings to connect three twisted jump rings.
6.Use a thick silver jump ring to connect the first twisted jump ring from Step 5 to the center twisted jump ring from Step 4 to form the pendant chain.
7.String a gray cats eye bead, a thick silver jump ring and an aqua oval onto a head pin.
8.Make a wrapped loop above the aqua oval to connect it to the last jump ring on the pendant chain.
9.Cut the suede lace in half.
10.Fold one piece of suede in half and use it to tie a larks head knot around the first twisted jump ring from Step 4. Attach the other piece of suede to the other end of the jump ring chain as shown.
11.String an aqua glass bead onto one suede lace end.
12.Place a crimp cover over the end of the suede lace and use chain-nose pliers or a mighty crimping tool to close it.
13.Place a drop of Beadfix glue between the glass bead and the crimp cover.
14.Repeat Steps 11-13 for each end of the suede lace.