How to Make a Springtime Garden Set
Published December 2012
Designed By Katie Hacker / Content Supplied by Beadalon

Crimping, Stringing, Basic Wire Work
Materials & Tools:
For Necklace:
Round olive Imitation Pearls: five 6mm, six 8mm
Crème Imitation Pearls: 1 round 6mm, 4 round 8mm, 12 rondelle
Purple round faceted Cat Eye Beads: twelve 4mm, six 6mm
5 oval 8x12mm purple Smooth Cat Eye Beads
3 round 4mm plum Glass Beads
3 equal lengths of .018 diameter Silver Plated 49-strand Beadalon Wire
15 length of 22-gauge silver Artistic Wire
44 silver #1 (1.3 ID) Crimp Beads
Sterling Silver Hook and Eye Crimp Clasp
For Bracelet:
35 round 8mm olive Imitation Pearls
5 oval 8x12mm purple Smooth Cat Eye Beads
3 round 4mm plum Glass Beads
8 round 4mm rose Glass Beads
2 18 lengths of .018 diameter Silver Plated
49-strand Beadalon Wire
15 length of 22-gauge silver Artistic Wire
2 silver #3 (1.5 ID) Crimp Tubes
6mm silver Split Ring
Silver medium Lobster Clasp
For Earrings:
2 6mm round crème Imitation Pearls
2 round 8mm olive Imitation Pearls
2 round 4mm Faceted Cat Eye Beads
2 3 ½ lengths of .018 diameter Silver Plated 49-strand Beadalon Wire
10 silver #1 (1.3 ID) Crimp Beads
2 silver #3 (1.5 ID) Crimp Tubes
2 silver Leverback Ear Wires with 3mm ball
Crimper Tool
Designer Chain Nose Pliers
Designer Round Nose Pliers
Designer Flush Cutter
Necklace How to:
1.To make the flower pendant, string a purple oval Cat Eye Bead onto the center of a piece of silver wire. Fold the wire around the bead and twist it together at the base of the bead to form one petal.
2.String each oval bead, using the same technique to form more petals. Make a wrapped loop above the bead instead of twisting the wires together at the base.
3.Bring the remaining wire to the center front of the flower. String a 4mm round purple bead and wrap the wire around the flower center. Repeat for two more 4mm round beads. Use chain nose pliers to press the wire end into the back of the flower center to prevent it from snagging clothing.
4.To make the necklace, hold the Beadalon Wires together and string the flower pendant.
5.Add beaded sections to each side of the necklace as shown, using Crimp Beads to hold the beaded sections in place.
6.After all beads are strung, string a Crimp Clasp onto each end of the necklace. Use chain nose pliers to flatten the center of each part of the clasp to hold it securely.
Bracelet How to:
1.Follow the instructions above to make a flower pendant. Instead of making the top loop, make a loop on the back of the flower center.
2.Hold the Beadalon Wires together and string a Crimp Tube and the Clasp or Split Ring. Place the wire ends back through the Crimp Tube to form a small loop. Crimp it.
3.Hold the Beadalon Wires together and string an Imitation Pearl.
4.String an Imitation Pearl onto each strand, then place the wire ends through opposite sides of an Imitation Pearl.
5.Repeat Step 4 six more times, then string two 4mm rose beads onto each strand.
6.Place the wire ends through opposite sides of the loop on the back of the flower.
7.String two 4mm rose beads onto each strand, then place the wire ends through opposite sides of an Imitation Pearl.
8.String an Imitation Pearl onto each strand, then place the wire ends through opposite sides of another Imitation Pearl.
9.Repeat Step 8 three more times, then string an Imitation Pearl onto each strand.
10.Hold the wires together and string an Imitation Pearl, a Crimp Tube and the Clasp or Split Ring. Place the wire ends back through the Crimp Tube to form a small loop. Crimp it.
Earrings How to:
1.String a piece of Silver Plated Beadalon Wire through the loop on a Leverback Ear Wire.
2.Hold the wire ends together and string a Crimp Tube, an olive Imitation Pearl and a Crimp Bead. Adjust the wire so one tail is 1 1/4 and one is ¾.
3.Use a Crimping Tool to crimp the Crimp Tube and Crimp Bead to hold the Imitation Pearl in place.
4.String a Crimp Bead, Cat Eye Bead and a Crimp Bead onto the short wire end. Crimp the Crimp Beads to hold the bead in place.
5.String a Crimp Bead, créme Imitation Pearl and a Crimp Bead onto the long wire end. Crimp the Crimp Beads to hold the bead in place.
6.Repeat Steps 1-5 to make a matching earring.