How to Use the Spin-N-Bead
Published December 2012
by JTV Jewel School host Sheree

The Spin-N-Bead is a basic tool that operates using your energy at your speed - no batteries required! Most people need a little practice at first but we have some great tips to get you started stringing seed beads or other small beads. You'll love this unique time saving tool that will have you stringing beads at high speeds!
1. Using your non-dominate hand, begin by spinning the bowl using the metal rod at the top.
2. No need to spin quickly a steady spin works perfectly. Keep the metal rod spinning continuously as you begin to insert the needle into the bowl with your dominate hand.
3. When inserting the needle with the crook down, just skim over the top of the beads. There is no need to insert the needle all the way to the bottom of the bowl.
4. A non-slip surface helps. You may want to check out a Tacky Bead Mat on If beads happen to fly out of the bead bowl, the mat will catch them. It keeps the bead bowl from slipping, too.