How to Make a Glass Pearl Trio Bracelet
Published January 2013
Designed By Katie Hacker / Content Supplied by Beadalon

Materials & Tools
17 8mm mocha glass pearls
16 8mm crème glass pearls
One 6mm crème glass pearl
17 6mm grey glass pearls
66 11/0 aluminum Toho treasure seed beads
Three 8 lengths of .024 Beadalon 49
Six silver 1.3 (ID) crimp tubes
One silver 2 head pin
Silver duet clasp
Round nose pliers
Chain nose pliers
Crimping tool
Wire cutters
Designer tip:
A duet clasp is similar to a toggle clasp, but you dont have to allow extra room for the toggle bar to fit through the toggle ring. To fasten a duet clasp, press the halves together at the gap.
How to:
1.String the following glass pearls onto a head pin: 6mm crème, 8mm mocha, 6mm grey.
2.Make a wrapped loop above the beads to attach it to half of the clasp.
3.Use a crimp tube to attach one end of each beading wire to half of the clasp.
4.On one outside wire, string one 8mm crème pearl and a seed bead; repeat until all of the 8mm crème pearls are strung. Attach the end to the other half of the clasp.
5.On the other outside wire, string one 8mm mocha pearl and a seed bead; repeat until all of the 8mm mocha pearls are strung. Attach the end to the other half of the clasp.
6.On the remaining inside wire, string three seed beads and a grey pearl. String two seed beads and a grey pearl; repeat until all of the grey pearls are strung. String three seed beads and attach the end to the other half of the clasp.