How to Make a Fiesta Necklace
Published January 2013
Designed By Katie Hacker / Content Supplied by Beadalon

Materials & Tools
4 turquoise 10x14mm flat oval beads
4 turquoise 6mm round beads
3 aqua 8mm Czech glass beads
3 turquoise 12mm nugget beads
3 red/aqua 9mm daisy millefiori beads
2 aqua 12mm millefiori beads
2 turquoise 16mm tubes
7 coral branches
60 length of Beadalon
7 crinkle wire
34 length of red faux suede lace
10 silver bullet scrimp findings & miniature screwdriver
10 silver wire guardians
2 silver fold-over cord ends
56 silver #1 crimp beads
62 silver crimp covers
2 silver head pins
20-gauge silver Artistic wire
Jump ring maker with 16mm mandrel
Wire twister
Wire cutters
Chain nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Mighty crimping tool
How to:
1. Cut three 6 lengths of 20-gauge wire.
2.Attach the piece of wire to the Wire Twister and follow the packaging instructions to twist them together.
3.Follow the Jump Ring Maker packaging instructions to make two 16mm jump rings using the twisted wire from Step 2.
4.Cut five equal lengths of crinkle wire.
5.Use a scrimp finding and a wire guardian to attach each wire to one twisted jump ring.
6.Attach a crimp cover to the jump ring to cover the place where to the wire ends meet, making it a solid ring.
7.Attach another crimp cover to the twisted ring to hold the wire guardians in place as shown.
8.Use crimp beads to attach beads evenly spaced across the wires.
9.Cover each crimp bead with a crimp cover.
10.Use a scrimp finding and a wire guardian to attach each wire end to the other twisted jump ring.
11.Attach a crimp cover to the jump ring to cover the place where to the wire ends meet, making it a solid ring.
12.Cut the suede lace in half. Hold the fold against a twisted ring and place the cord ends through the fold to form a larks head knot; repeat for the other piece of suede and twisted ring.
13.Attach a fold-over cord end to each end of the necklace.
14.String a turquoise bead and a crimp cover onto a head pin and make a wrapped loop to attach it to one fold-over cord end; repeat for the other end of the necklace.