How to Make the Confetti Bracelet
Published January 2013
Designed By Katie Hacker / Content Supplied by Beadalon

Crimping, Stringing
Materials & Tools:
3 lengths: 7 1/2 in. - Beadalon 7 Strand Clear Colors red .018 in. stringing wire
2 - 3mm Size #4 Crimp tubes, silver plated
1 - 5x11mm Round magnetic clasp, silver plated
Assorted 6mm-10mm large-hole red glass beads
Designer crimper
Nipper tool
How To:
1. Hold the all three Beadalon 7 Strand wires together and string a crimp tube 1/2 in. from one end. Place the end through half of the clasp and back into the crimp tube. Using the crimper, secure the crimp.
2. String a bead onto one strand and place the wire end around the bead and back through the hole to fix it in place. Use this technique to string beads randomly (like confetti!) onto all three strands.
3. Hold the wires together and string a crimp tube 1/2 in. from one end. Place the end through half of the clasp and back into the crimp tube. Use the crimper to secure it.