How to Make the Blue Dreams Bracelet
Published December 2012
Designed by Margot Potter / Content Supplied by Beadalon

Wire Work
Materials & Tools:
13x20mm baby blue cat’s eye Lucite oval bead
10mm teal blue cat’s eye Lucite rondelle bead
12mm deep blue cat’s eye Lucite round bead
20 gauge silver plated ice blue Artistic Wire
20 gauge silver plated peacock blue Artistic Wire
20 gauge silver plated seafoam greenArtistic Wire
36 10mm silver plated jump rings
3 star tipped silver plated head pins
Jump Ring Maker Tool
Wire Twister Tool
Designer Chasing Hammer
Bench Block/Anvil Pad
Round Nose Pliers
2 Pairs Chain Nose Pliers
Wire Cutters
How To:
1. Use the wire twister to twist a 3’ length of all three colors of Artistic Wire together into a tight coiled wire.
2. Wrap the coiled wire around the 10mm dowel on the Jump Ring Maker Tool.
3. Remove coil and cut rings, taking time to cut both ends of the rings flush.
4. Build the chain by attaching a twisted ring, solid plated ring and a second twisted ring to a 10mm jump ring. Slide a solid ring, twisted ring and solid ring into the first ring trio. Continue alternating links until you reach the 22nd link which should be a solid ring, twisted ring, solid ring link.
5. Attach this to a single 10mm jump ring.
6. Create a wrapped wire hook using the ice blue Artistic Wire.
7. Hammer the wire hook flat using the flat end of the ball peen hammer on the steel block. Put the pad underneath to deaden the sound.
8. Attach the hook to one end of the bracelet.
9. Create three coiled dangles using the star tipped headpins and your beads.
10. Attach these to a 10mm jump ring and slide that on the open 10mm jump ring on the end of your bracelet.